Collection: Hedging
Ilex x meserveae 'Blue Maid' (Hedging)
A dense holly with exquisitely glossy, dark-green spineless leaves, hinting at a touch of -
Corylus avellana (Hedging)
An easy-to-grow, very traditional, native species with a broadly vase-shaped, multi-stemme -
Sold out
Ilex x aquipernyi 'Dragon Lady' (Hedging)
'Dragon Lady' is a hybrid between Ilex aquifolium and Ilex pernyi. The cultivar grows as aSold out -
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Taxus bac. 'Fastigiata Robusta' (Hedging)
This cultivar is similar to its parent 'Fastigiata' but with a slightly more firm uprightSold out -
Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia' (Hedging)
Cherry laurel
Prunus laurocerasus 'Genolia' (Hedging)
Cherry laurel
This interesting cultivar from Switzerland offers a beautiful upright shape, maintaining i -
Viburnum opulus (Hedging)
Guelder Rose
Viburnum opulus (Hedging)
Guelder Rose
A fairly vigorous deciduous shrub with maple-like leaves which colour rich red in autumn. -
Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' (Hedging)
Purple-leaved filbert
Corylus maxima 'Purpurea' (Hedging)
Purple-leaved filbert
A very small upright tree or large shrub producing purple-tinged catkins in late winter, f -
Prunus spinosa (Hedging)
Sold outPrunus spinosa (Hedging)
A deciduous native hedgerow species with dark, dense, spiny branches, producing white flowSold out -
Rhamnus cathartica (Hedging)
Purging buckthorn
Rhamnus cathartica (Hedging)
Purging buckthorn
A hardy UK native with thorny branches and oval, glossy, dark-green leaves, developing int -
Photinia x fraseri 'Carré Rouge' (Hedging)
Christmas berry
Photinia x fraseri 'Carré Rouge' (Hedging)
Christmas berry
A strong contender to the more traditional 'Red Robin' with smaller leaves and a neat, com -
Prunus laur. 'Rotundifolia' (Hedging)
Round-leaf laurel
Prunus laur. 'Rotundifolia' (Hedging)
Round-leaf laurel
A glossy leaved evergreen which quickly forms a naturalistic screen or formal hedge. 'Rot -
Thuja plicata 'Atrovirens' (Hedging)
Western Red Cedar
Thuja plicata 'Atrovirens' (Hedging)
Western Red Cedar
A moderately growing ornamental conifer with soft, feathery, very dark green foliage. May