Consider Aftercare
Consider Aftercare
When choosing trees, it’s important to select varieties whose aftercare requirements fit comfortably within your realm of ability and ambition.
For example, pleached trees give a sophisticated effect, but usually require further formative pruning to mature to full potential, and then regular pruning thereafter to maintain the effect, and though most fruit trees will reliably produce fruit, a pest-free harvest is unrealistic without giving due consideration to pest control.
There are plenty of low maintenance options, of course. The important thing to remember is that every tree will require at least some degree of aftercare, even if that’s just regular watering until it’s fully established.
Below are some links which will help you get a handle on the post-planting input you may need to provide.
Other Useful Links
Aftercare Requirements for Our Trees
The basic care needs all of our trees will require to establish and thrive. (You will need to provide this support to fulfil the terms of your warranty!)
We try to include any notable aftercare requirements in the variety description in Treefinder.
Ask Our Advice
The easiest way to find the varieties perfectly suited to your lifestyle? Enlist the help of one of our advisors.
Our AfterCare Service
For added peace of mind, remember we offer an in-house AfterCare service which can be booked on an ‘ad hoc’ or contractual basis.