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Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alba Superba'

Magnolia x soulangeana 'Alba Superba'

Common Name: Magnolia

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Probably the most widely planted and traditional of the magnolia family. M. x soulangeana is valued for its large, waxy, goblet-shaped flowers produced on bare stems in April. The cultivar 'Alba' has large pure white flowers which are flushed pink at the base. The pink flush can be more or less prominent. The tree is usually grown as a wide-spreading multi-stem tree. Ideally positioned near a window or in a front garden, so flowers can be enjoyed through the chilly spring, or alternatively in the foreground of dark evergreens. The tree requires a moist, acid-to-neutral soil to thrive. It tolerates clay well, but avoid dry or shallow chalk soils. Ultimate height and spread approx 6 meters. H6

Recommended for:

Lg Garden/Park
Med Garden
Small Garden
Ornamental Woodland

Tree Type: Deciduous

Height at Maturity: Small (6-10m)

Growth Rate: Moderate

Crown Shape: Broadly Round

Season of Interest: Spring

Ornamental Flower: Yes

Flower Colour: White

Intolerant of: Alkaline Soils, Chalk Soils, and Dry Soils

Soil Types Tolerated: Acid, Clay, Damp, Loam, Neutral, Sandy, and Well drained

Summer Foliage Colour: Not Specified

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